Monday, November 10, 2008

Mom, you got some 'splainin' to do...

Whenever Mom gets that look on her face, we (Dad & I) know we are probably in for some serious trouble. You see, Mom's been sporting this look since Sunday when she and Dad stopped into a local pet store for my num-nums. While searching the aisles for my beloved ZuPreem (timothy hay only - she is STRICT), Mom noticed some cages lining the back wall of the store. Most were filled with guinea pigs, but upon closer inspection she noticed there was one lonely little Lionhead rabbit in a cage that was no larger than a third of the size of my home. To greet the bun, she slowly lifted her fingers toward the bars of the cage. Lo and behold, this bun not only wanted to sniff, but wanted headrubs as well. Now I don't approve of sharing Mom - she is MINE (I marked her when I was just a baby bun) but I also can't imagine a life without headrubs, kisses, or 'nanas! A binkyless existence, where I could never run the Bunny500?!? NEVER! So, Mom has been moping about, broken-hearted since then. She doesn't know how long that bun has been there, how old it is, or even if it is a boy or a girl, but I suspect she will be investigating. We don't want to support pet shops - who get their buns from mass breeders, don't properly care for those they sell, with no regard to if my fellow buns end up in Forever homes, their only concern - the almighty dollar. But what's a bun to do? Could I ever learn how to share Mom? Should I try to forget about that poor little fellow in the pet shop; if so, how?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh poor little bunny!!! I know what you mean, we're not supposed to support these pet shops who don't care about the animals they sell, but at the same time, that poor little bunny has no control over it's life.. it was probably left there by an uncaring owner and who knows what will happen to it if someone kind doesn't come along and save it. It's very sad indeed :( I pray he/she goes to a loving home :(